Sunday, 16 August 2015

Uttam Kumar's 1st JOb and 10 Mistakes

Uttam Kumar is a budding author with his debut book "First Job and Ten Mistakes" He belongs to a Mathematics background and has done Masters in it. His upcoming works include "The Moment of Truth" and "Recruitment Hijacked". The author can be contacted at twitter @ramuk76 and at He can also be reached through his facebook page:

"First Job and Ten Mistakes" is a short book with all the mantras for success. The author weaves his experiences in this book. As it is said." Mistakes give you lessons" so through this book, the author shares his mistakes which work as a mantra for the people. The title of the book clearly tells us the motive behind this book. The book contains 46 pages and he has guided us through his ideas and techniques. He has given us the 'dos' and 'dont's' for a person's Financial Career.

This book is way too different from other novels as it has no stories but, to the point facts. The author is very precise when he has to guide his readers. He has talked about certain goals like the short term and the long term goals that a person should make if he wants some success. He further gives us analysis about the selection of works. He talks about also the acknowledgement of one’s talent.

He has divided the contents of the book into chapters. The first five chapters are very technical and talks about the technicality of the fields like Spear Theory, Equity Market, Credit Cards, Loan for Loan. The next lot talks about the practical contents of the book. They talk about the decision making process for a particular job, the time period for which we have to do the job which is known as the Launching Pad, observation of the successful people around, career planning, goals and tracking.

The book has no negative aspects yet I felt the contents could have been elaborated more and the cover of the book was less creative. I recommend all my readers to read this book as its not just useful for financial basis but also for a layman who is trying to figure out things in his life.

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