Convent has a special corner in my heart and when it comes to teachers, they are like angels for me who always welcome their students with open arms. We have been taught that teachers are our second parents. Although they don't give us birth yet they give us the moral values that makes you survive in this rat race. Today is 2 October, Mahatama Gandhi's birthday and many people have written about him because of the contributions he made. But in this post, I would write about a person whose contributions I have seen and the way she has incorporated those moral values is impeccable. Its her birthday today and I don't want to wish her by saying a simple Happy Birthday on her Facebook wall. I want to make the day special for her by writing this post. That is why I have entitled my post "Thankyou Neena Maam".
Neena Maam ( My Dream Teacher)

I left Convent almost 5 years ago( correct me if I am wrong), but I can still feel the essence of a Jospehite in me. Even today I remember all those memories clearly and the major part of those memories include Neena maam. She is a fighter,be it her health issues or handling school related issues. She has been a role model for many and I am one of them.

I have a dreamy incident to share. When Neena maam left the school as she got retired I was so sad as I wanted to be taught by her. I felt I had lost her and the chance to see her. I had always seen her during assembalies and her speeches were always inspiring. She always had a paper in her hand and she talked with facts followed by her past experiences. But when I reached my tenth standard, our English Teacher had left the school and that time our Principal, Sr. Sophy asked her to join back Convent. Bingo! That was the happiest moment of my life. I shared this incident with her once and she smiled.

I was an average student with not so good English and today, I am writing about all those incidents that has added new meaning in my life. I remembered her teachings, her values and those past experiences. She once narrated about her student who had called her when she was in her English class. She said that she miss Neena Maam and it was so hilarious. Maam said, I was really angry at the student as she was calling her in her English lecture only.

Neena maam always asked me use 'Yes' instead of 'Yeah'. I used a lot of 'Yeah' as it had become so common with me. She never liked it when we used that sms language. She said that this was a big insult to English. I use that language sometimes but I always make a point that when I message her or write about her, I never use that language.

In my memory lane, I can recall one incident that changed my life. Once I was sick and I told her that I couldn't complete the work because I was unwell and her words echo me even today. I didn't understand that time but now when I think of those times, I cherish them even today and yes, I am implying it now. She said :
Surbhi, mark my words today, " Never let your health come in between your goals."
Today I would say maam, yes, I didnt let my sorrows, injuries, health come in between, what I am today is because of this line.

Above all, I love your smile and when you joined Facebook, trust me, I was really happy. At times I was so shattered but your status and your enlightening thoughts in the St. Joseph's Convent group just gave me so much strength. I felt that you can sense it when your students need you. It feels really special when you praise me. When you flashed the news about my book 'Turning Point of Life', I was on cloud 9.
In my concluding lines, I want to add that Maam,I fulfilled my promise.. I told you that I would write about Convent and yes, I did it in form of a short story. Wish you a very Happy Birthday maam.. May you keep inspiring us always! Love you alot Maam..:D
"Josephites are incomplete without Neena Maam."
This is Surbhi Sareen signing off.. will be back with more such stories about My Alma Mater and people related to it..Stay Tuned!
Also Read: Slam Books in Convent :